皮影 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Piying "مسرحية دمى الظل أو "عرض صور ظلية لدمى


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture introduces manufacture of Chinese Shadow Puppets, which is a unique form of folk drama to China and a typical intangible cultural heritage. With lighting, two-dimensional puppets form shadows on a piece of white cloth. These shadows perform stories. All the puppets and scenes in the drama, carved and colored, are usually made with leather by folk artists by hands. This lecture will show you how to make a puppet ox, whose name is “Ben Ben”, for the shadow drama. In China, the year 2021 is Zodiac year of Ox. “Ben Ben” represents a blessing for everyone to live a happy life. Matte film of PVC is chosen in this lecture to replace the leather, for its easiness to use and inexpensiveness, which is suitable for beginners.

本课程是皮影制作课,皮影戏是中国独有的民间戏剧形式,是典型的非物质文化遗产。它是让观众通过白色幕布,观看一种平面偶人表演的灯影来达到艺术效果的戏剧形式.皮影戏中的平面偶人以及场面景物通常是民间艺人用手工,刀雕彩绘而成的皮制品。 本次课程教大家制作名字叫“奔奔”的皮影小牛,2021年是中国的生肖牛年,小牛奔奔寓意着大家都能奔向幸福生活。课程选择了pvc磨砂片来替代兽皮,操作相对容易上手,耗材也不昂贵,适合初学者尝试制作。

General Courses 通用课程