孔府熏豆腐 - 曲阜师范大学 - 云游孔子故里,感受儒家文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Travel Around Confucius’ Hometown and Feel the Confucian Culture


Confucius Mansion’s Smoked Tofu


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Confucius Mansion’s smoked tofu is one of Confucius mansion’s specialty. Because of smoked tofu’s unique taste and making process, it has become Qufu’s characteristic delicacy. By means of field visit and experience, the video led the students to understand the delicious food cooked with smoked tofu, the production technology of smoked tofu and the beautiful cultural meaning of tofu, which is homophonic with ‘Doufu(All are blessed)’.


General Courses 通用课程