普通话的声调和三声变调 - 辽宁师范大学 - 赏非遗——辽宁师范大学2023年“汉语桥”中国文化营(意大利) - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Appreciation of Intangible Cultural Heritage -- Liaoning Normal University 2023 “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Culture Winter Camp (Italian Camp)


Tones and T3 Sandhi in Mandarin


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The four tones in Chinese represent variations in pitch. This lesson will introduce a special approach to aid pronunciation: head-hand method. Based on the coordination of the head and the hand, the third-degree tone, one of the 5 pitches in the Chinese language, is produced and the pitch range properly set, and accuracy in the pronunciation of the four tones is therefore achieved. Also examples are used to illustrate the features of T3 Sandhi to assist learners in overcoming off-key T3 Sandhi and in improving accuracy and fluency in expression.


General Courses 通用课程