太极拳 - 陕西理工大学 - 陕西理工大学“2022年汉语桥——展示体育文化魅力,感受中华优秀传统”线上团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Program of Shaanxi University of Technology in 2022, “Show the Charm of Sports Culture Experience the Excellent Chinese Tradition”


Tai Chi


Course Syllabus 课程章节


"Tai Chi" is a 2-class course, which is taught with reference to the content of the 11th Five-Year Plan textbook of national higher education. Both classes are live online, with teachers explaining, demonstrating and Tai Chi's action experience. The teaching purpose of the two courses is to let students know about the origin and development of Tai Chi, master Tai Chi's basic theory and knowledge, inherit the essence of Chinese Taiji culture, make Tai Chi's rich cultural heritage and unique boxing style, provide students with subtle cultural influence, and shape students' modest moral sentiment, tenacious personality strength and ethereal spiritual realm. The main contents of this course include three parts: one is fitness, the other is self-defense and the third is health preservation.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程