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Sweating like rain


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This episode introduces the last three solar terms and phenology of summer, namely Xia Zhi, Xiao Shu, and Da Shu. Xia Zhi, also known as the summer solstice, is the official start of hot weather. There are three Wuhou, or natural wonders, during Li Xia. The first, “The Deers Antlers”, the second “The Singing Cicadas”, who’s drumming wings and chirps are the soundtrack to summer, and finally “The Growing Pinellia”. Li Xia is followed by Xiao Shu and Da Shu, these two solar terms are like a pot of boiling water, one is the steam at the top, and the other, the boiling water at the bottom. The three Wuhou of Xiao Shu are; “The Warm Winds Arrival”, when the winds brings in a wave of heat, “The Crickets Moves Home”, which describes the cricket moving from the field to a place that’s cooler, and “The Eagles Fierceness”, which is when young eagles began to learn how to fly and catch prey. The three Wuhou of Da Shu are; “The Floating Fireflies”, “The Damp Earth, Humid Air”, and “The Great Rain”, when the summer monsoons arrive.



Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程