万物并秀 - 天津外国语大学 - 寒来暑往·诗意人生 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



Everything Equally Beaytiful


Course Syllabus 课程章节


We enter summer, the three solar terms for the first half of summer are; Li Xia, Xiao Man, and Mang Zhong . The arrival of Li Xia heralds in the beginning of summer. There are three Wuhou, or natural wonders, of Lixia, namely “ The Grasshoppers Chirping”, when the crickets and grasshoppers begin to chirp at night, “The Earthworms Burrow Out”, when worms feel the rising heat and crawl out of the ground, and finally “The Summer Gourds Flourish”. In Xiao Man crops have begun to ripen, but still need some time to mature. The thee Wuhou for Xiao Man are “The Bitter Thistle Grows”, “The Dying Grass” and, “The Wheat Wave”. These wonders are about the bitter herbs that grow during summer, the grass that can not withstand the sun, and the summer wheat that creates the famous "Waves of wheat blowing in the wind" scene. Mang Zhong, sounds like "busy planting" in Chinese, this mean farmers are busy harvesting wheat and planting millet and other crops. The three Wuhou of Mang Zhong are, “The Mantis Hatches”, “The Singing Cuckoo” and “The Crow Feeding Hatchlings”. In the long days summer, heat rises, rivers, and lakes rush into the sea. Everything comes together, embracing the vigor and vitality of life.



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