风车(中) - 湖南工程学院 - 《中国新能源 世界新生活》—湖南工程学院“汉语桥”线上夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

China’s New Energy, Leading World’s New Lifestyle --- “Chinese Bridge” Online Summer Camp of Hunan Institute of Engineering

《中国新能源 世界新生活》—湖南工程学院“汉语桥”线上夏令营

Windmill (Part 2)


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Have you ever seen windmill mountains, green hills dotted with windmills under floating clouds? The quiet and relaxing beauty conjures up Miyazaki Hayao's manga. “It is a lush feast, and miniature of flourishing age.” Windmills in the sea of clouds are worth watching. As sunset reddens the mountains and nightfall silences the world, only the white windmills in the rolling mountains are still spinning, the blades, against the evening glow, murmuring in praise of the world. Day after day, windmills go round and round. Windmills promise a brighter future for the mountains and the locals. I think the most romantic fairy tale is the landscapes of our motherland, windmills topping snow-capped mountains and the fighting spirit of countless workers. Windmill blades record the flow of time and change of seasons. While driving the local development, windmills silently turn the struggle of generation into sweet memories. In the passage of time, not only are we pursuing development, but our hometown is also pursuing development. Windmills accompany us in our growth, and guard the development of our hometown. So, let us come back oftener. The fields are awaiting us, so are our elderly shambling parents, and the non-stop rotating windmills.

你见过风车山吗?风车矗立在在连绵不绝的山峦,与苍翠的青山和流动的白云相印成趣,像宫崎骏的漫画,美的让人心旷神怡。“远赴人间惊鸿宴,一睹人间盛世颜”。云海风车的盛世颜值得一睹。等到夕阳西下,山体会逐渐染红,万物沉睡,四周静谧,唯有连绵群山中的一座座白色风车,还在不停歇的转着,流霞撒在风车叶片,诉说着世间的美好。朝夕日日新,风车转不停,风车的到来也为群山和山中的人们带来了充满希望的明天。 我想,最浪漫的童话,是祖国的静美山河,是雪山峰顶的风车,是无数背后工作者拼搏奋斗的精神。这些大风车,它转动的叶轮就象征着时间流转,四季更替,在带动着家乡发展的同时,也承载着一辈人的美好回忆。时过境迁,不只是我们在追求发展,家乡也在追求着发展。而风车,它陪伴着我们成长,也守护着家乡的发展。常回家看看吧,看看家乡的田野,看看年迈蹒跚的亲人,也看看四季不停转动的风车。

Course Syllabus


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