拔罐疗法 - 长春中医药大学 - 感受中医药魅力,体验中医药文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Cupping Therapy


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China has a long and profound history of medicine. A medical book called “Prescription for 52 Diseases”, excavated from the Han tomb at Mawangdui, has long been recorded “draw with a small animal horn...... pull off the horn with force......”, the “horn” method is cupping therapy. As one of the methods used in Chinese medicine to treat diseases, cupping therapy has the characteristics of simple apparatus, easy to operate, rapid therapeutic effect, wide range of adaptability, economy and safety and so on, which has been highly respected by people for a long time. This course carefully explains the definition, classification, operation method, precautions, applicable diseases of cupping therapy, and symptomatic cupping treatment for several common diseases. It is hoped that through the study of this course, students can master the basic cupping therapy and skillfully apply it to relieve patients’ pain.

祖国医学历史悠久,博大精深。早在马王堆出土的医书《五十二病方》中就有记载“以小角角之……吹而张角……”, “角”法即拔罐疗法。作为祖国医学治疗疾病方法之一的拔罐疗法具有器具简单、易于操作、疗效迅速、适应面广、经济安全等特点,长久以来深受人们的推崇。本课程细致地讲解了拔罐的定义、分类、拔罐的操作方法、拔罐的注意事项、拔罐疗法的适用疾病,以及几种常见病症的对症拔罐治疗方法。望通过学习本课程,学生可以掌握基本的拔罐疗法,并熟练运用,为患者解除病痛。

Course Syllabus


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