汉阳陵博物馆 - 西安外国语大学 - 走读西安:感受千年古都的文化韵味 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台



HanYangLing Museum


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Dear friends, do you like the culture of the Han Dynasty? Do you know that, in addition to the Qin Terracotta Army, there are also terracotta warriors and horses of the Han Dynasty in the ancient capital of Xi'an? Do you wish to know where they were unearthed and how they came into being? If you are interested in the history and culture of the Han Dynasty, be sure to watch this video. Through it, you can not only know the construction history of the Han Yangling Mausoleum, explore the secrets of the naked and clothed pottery figurines, but also appreciate the unique cultural relics excavated and the underground exhibition hall of the cultural heritage site, while immersing yourself in the colorful costumes and the ritual culture of the Han Dynasty.

亲爱的留学生朋友们,你喜欢汉文化吗?你知道古都西安除了秦代的兵马俑还有汉代的兵马俑吗?你想了解它出土的地方以及它的历史渊源吗? 如果你对汉代的历史文化感兴趣,就不要错过这个视频。通过它,你不仅可以知道汉景帝阳陵的构建历程,探索裸佣和着衣陶佣的秘密,还可以欣赏独具特色的出土文物和地下遗址陈列馆,沉浸式感受汉代服装、礼仪文化的多姿多彩。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程