大连广场文化 - 辽宁师范大学 - 辽宁师范大学“汉语桥”中国故事(语言学习)夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Liaoning Normal University Stories of China—— “Chinese Bridge” Summer Camp(Language Learning)


Dalian Square Culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Dalian is a city with the largest number of squares in China, and the squares in Dalian have been built in different styles through the centuries. More than a century ago, when a few long-haired, blue-eyed Europeans set foot on the land called Qingniwa in southern Liaoning, they began to express their romantic talents, measuring during the day and discussing at night, and spent a year sketching the blueprint for Dalian urban construction. With the square as the center, connecting the highlands and the grounds, forming a wheel-like radial road, this is what Dalian looks like today. Dalian has a rich and colorful square culture, carrying more than 100 years of historical changes in Dalian. Xinghai Square, People’s Square, Zhongshan Square, Friendship Square, Olympic Square, Donggang Music Fountain Square, Harbor Square, Sea Rhythm Square, etc. are all popular with the public and tourists, and they each extend a colorful life while maintaining the green tone. How about coming to Dalian, the city with the most squares in China, to visit all these squares?




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