游美丽石塘, 居海边小镇 - 台州学院 - 云游山海水城,探访和合圣地——汉语桥和合文化研学团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

A Visit to the “Hehe” Sacred Land in Taizhou, a City with Seas and Mountains -- Program of “Chinese Bridge” and “Hehe” Culture Exploration


Tour and live in a beautiful seaside town – Shitang

游美丽石塘, 居海边小镇

Course Syllabus 课程章节


On the long coast of eastern Zhejiang, there is one of the "most beautiful fishing villages" of China -- the old fishing market town of Shitang in Wenling, Taizhou. In this course, we will pay a visit to Shitang, so as to explore the stone architecture, seek the folk customs of the fishing village, tour the stone houses and lodges, experience the life of the fishing village, and appreciate the unique marine culture of Taizhou.


General Courses 通用课程