看竹绿橘橙, 品自然馈赠 - 台州学院 - 云游山海水城,探访和合圣地——汉语桥和合文化研学团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

A Visit to the “Hehe” Sacred Land in Taizhou, a City with Seas and Mountains -- Program of “Chinese Bridge” and “Hehe” Culture Exploration


See green bamboos and orange tangerines, and taste the gift of nature

看竹绿橘橙, 品自然馈赠

Course Syllabus 课程章节


"Tangerines from Yongquan Town of Linhai City" are a famous product of Taizhou, Zhejiang Province. In this course, we will have tour to beautiful tangerine orchards in Yongquan, Linhai, so as to learn about the history of tangerines and experience the hard work of tangerine farmers, while tasting the sweetness and deliciousness of honey tangerines. In addition, we will also understand the culture of "tangerines" in China by learning Qu Yuan's "Ode to the Tangerine".


General Courses 通用课程