中国聋人文化 - 吉林省教育国际交流协会 - “感知中文艺术,温暖无声世界” - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Perceive Chinese Art Warm silent World


Chinese Deaf Culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China is located in Asia with a population of 1.4 billion. By 2018, there were nearly 30 million deaf people in China, with approximately 30,000 newborn deaf children each year.Deaf people, because of their hearing impairment,, use sign language for communication and rely on visual for cognition, creating a society that is distinct from the world of spoken language.Language is the carrier and core of a certain culture. Therefore, the language of the deaf -- sign language is of course the carrier and core of deaf culture.Cultural differences emerge with language as the main marker. Just as we have common knowledge of Chinese culture, British culture, and American culture and deaf people, as a group holding their own unique language, naturally have their own unique culture.Deaf people perceive the world by sight. They use their eyes to observe their surroundings, to observe the people around them, to observe what is going on around them.In 1887, Charles Rogers Mills, an American missionary, and his wife, Annette E. Thopson, founded the first school for the deaf in China in Dengzhou, Shandong Province: the QiYin School.Mimicking the way deaf children are taught in the United States, Mrs. Mills set out to write the first textbook for deaf children in China, "The Begging Stage."The deaf community has created rich and colorful deaf culture and art containing deaf cultural elements. Such as sign language poetry, sign language dance, visual vernacular, deaf drama, etc., magnify the artistry of sign language expression.Deaf painting, photography, handicrafts, etc., make the rich achievements of deaf culture recorded, inherited and continued. These are the deaf culture which can reflect the spirit of the deaf community.

中国位于亚洲,人口14亿……截至2018年,中国聋人群体人数近3000万,每年新生聋儿约3万。聋人群体因其听力障碍,使用手语进行交流,靠视觉进行认知,形成了一个有别于有声语言世界的社会。聋人的语言——手语,语言是文化的载体和核心,因此,手语当然也是聋文化的载体和核心。由于文化的差异性才出现了以语言为主要标志的文化差别,就如同我们常识的汉语文化,英国文化,美国文化……聋人,作为持有自己独特语言的一个群体,理所当然有自己独特的文化。聋人是靠视觉来认识世界的。他们用眼睛观察周围环境,观察周围的人,观察周围发生的事情。1887年美国传教士梅尔斯(Charles Rogers Mills)和他的妻子梅耐德(Annette E.Thopson)在山东登州,创办了我国第一所聋校:启喑学馆。米尔斯夫人仿照美国教授聋儿的方法,着手为中国聋儿编写第一本教材———《启喑初阶》。聋人群体创造了丰富多彩的蕴含聋人文化元素的聋人文化艺术。如手语诗歌、手语舞蹈、视觉白话、聋人戏剧等,放大了手语表达的艺术性。聋人绘画、聋人摄影、聋人手工艺等,使丰富的聋文化成果得以记录,传承并延续。这些都是能体现聋人群体精神的聋文化。

Course Syllabus


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