中国通用手语 - 吉林省教育国际交流协会 - “感知中文艺术,温暖无声世界” - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Perceive Chinese Art Warm silent World


Chinese Common Sign Language


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course focuses on the representative vocabulary of Chinese culture reflected in Chinese CommonSign Language, specifically including the sign language words for services and commerce, clothing, and food in the folklore of material life; the sign language words for festivals, anniversaries, and event days in the folklore of social life; the sign language words related to Chinese characters; and the sign language words for traditional art and culture, including Chinese classical architecture and performing arts. Through the explanation of representative vocabulary, students will learn about traditional Chinese culture, understand the basic composition characteristics of Chinese common sign language vocabulary, and promote the international exchange of sign language.


General Courses 通用课程