主题讲座-中国知名品牌新能源汽车企业及代表车型介绍 - 山东理工职业学院 - 踏上“汉语桥” 开启“中文+新能源汽车技术”云体验 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge,Gateway to “Chinese + New Energy Vehicle Technology” Online Journey

踏上“汉语桥” 开启“中文+新能源汽车技术”云体验

Introduction of Chinese Famous Brand New Energy Vehicle Enterprises And Representative Models


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course introduces the current status of the Chinese auto market, well-known Chinese car companies and models, the performance of foreign companies in China, and the problems and prospects of new energy vehicles.


General Courses 通用课程