主题讲座-智能网联汽车技术介绍 - 山东理工职业学院 - 踏上“汉语桥” 开启“中文+新能源汽车技术”云体验 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge,Gateway to “Chinese + New Energy Vehicle Technology” Online Journey

踏上“汉语桥” 开启“中文+新能源汽车技术”云体验

Introduction of The Technology of The Intelligent Networked Vehicles


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The class adopts a combination of video presentation and PPT explanation to introduce the development history of intelligent vehicles, the definition and connotation of intelligent networked vehicles, intelligent networked vehicle technology classification and system architecture as well as advanced driver assistance systems and applications.


General Courses 通用课程