中国京剧文化课程 - 吉林外国语大学 - 体验东北风,感受关东情一“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Experiencing the customs and feeling the flavor of northeast China:“Chinese Bridge” Online Delegation Program


A Brief Introduction of Chinese Peking OperaCourse


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese Peking Opera Culture Course is a special course designed for the purpose of international culture exchanges, which aims to help students form a macroscopic view of Chinese Peking Opera in limited time as much as possible. Starting with the origin of Peking Opera,this course will be divided into four parts in content. By comparing and contrasting with Western Classical Opera and Modern Musical Drama in stage characteristics, the introduction of the origin of Chinese Peking Opera will serve as a good starting point for learning about Chinese opera culture. An introduction of roles in Peking Opera. Students will understand the differences and similarities between Peking Opera and Western Opera through a brief introduction of the four roles “Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou” in Peking Opera via the video shows. An introduction of skill - “sing, speak, act, and fight”. The teaching method is the same as that mentioned above, so that students can understand the close connection between the stage performance and roles of Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou. And there will be a comparison between the Chinese Peking Opera and Western Opera. An introduction of Peking Opera masks.Starting with the relation between characteristics and mask colors, this part will help students have a clear...will have a clear understanding about the function of mask and a primary understanding of how to paint a mask by pictures and video clips. An introduction of the art feature of Peking Opera on stage.This part will summarize the features of the stage art of Chinese Peking Opera.Because this part is comparatively difficult, more carefully chosen videos will be played and contrasts will be made between Peking Opera and Western Opera (classical opera, modern song and dance drama) compare the stage art of Peking Opera with that of Western Opera (classical opera, modern song and dance drama). Students are expected to form a primary understanding of Peking Opera and develop an interest in itthrough studying this course.

《中国京剧文化》课程,是一门以国际文化交流为教学目的专题课程。需要在有限的课时内,尽可能使学生们对中国京剧文化有一个宏观的认识。本课程从京剧的起源引出四个方面的内容介绍京剧文化。 京剧起源的讲解结合西方古典歌剧、现代歌舞剧的舞台文化特征,以中西方文化差异的角度入手,对中国戏曲文化进行理解。 京剧行当的介绍。“生旦净丑”四个行当通过简单的文字讲解,随后对应每个行当的视频举例说明,从两方面使学生了解中国京剧行当与西方舞台艺术“角色”之间的不同与相同。 京剧“唱念做打”的介绍。教学方式同上,使学生了解中国京剧舞台表现方式与行当紧密联系的特征,并与西方歌剧对比教学。 京剧脸谱的介绍。主要从脸谱色彩对应人物性格的方面入手,通过举例图片与视频片段的形式,让学生直观地了解中国京剧脸谱的功能,画法简略。 京剧的舞台艺术特征介绍。总体上对中国京剧文化的舞台艺术特征做总结,由于此处较难理解,有选择性的视频举例说明,并与西方舞台文化(古典歌剧、现代歌舞剧)进行对比分析。希望通过以上的教学内容,能使学生对中国京剧有一个基本的认知,产生一定的兴趣。

General Courses 通用课程