中国美食——烟台鲅鱼水饺1 - 鲁东大学 - 2022“汉语桥”线上春令营-越南语言二周学习项目团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2022 Chinese Bridge Two-week Online Spring Camp Chinese Language Study Group for Vietnam Students


Chinese cuisine–Yantai Chinese mackerel dumpling 1


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Subject of this course is ‘an introduction to Chinese cuisine – Yantai Chinese mackerel dumpling’; and teaching mode is ‘teacher + chef’ ‘class +dining hall’, that is, the method of combining scenery teaching and practice teaching; and it is composed of two parts: theoretical explanation and practical operation. In the first part, we will learn in details through teacher’s explanation in the class, pictures of physical objects and life videos: 1. Four major cuisines including Lu Cuisine, Chuan Cuisine, Su Cuisine and Yue Cuisine; 2. Taste, characteristics, representative dishes and featured snacks of ‘Qilu’, ‘Jiaoliao’ and ‘Confucius Mansion’ for Lu Cuisine, top of the four major cuisines; 3. Chinese mackerel dumpling in Jiaoliao flavor of Lu Cuisine, including the tale of invention of dumpling, dumpling culture and customs of fishermen’s dumpling along the coast and so forth. In the second part, we will observe and learn the specific method of making Chinese mackerel dumpling. Mr. Wang, senior chef of dining hall for international students of Ludong University will offer hands-on demonstration of the process of making Chinese mackerel dumping: taking flesh, mixing stuffing, making dough, wrapping stuffing and boiling. By learning the course, students are able to be acquainted with the origin, characteristics and specific method of making Yantai Chinese mackerel dumpling, and understand the connotation of Chinese food culture, as well as the traditional virtue of Chinese of kindness, wisdom, diligence and friendly affection.





General Courses 通用课程