杜甫故里 豫见杜甫 - 郑州商学院 - 走近河洛文脉 探寻非遗中文 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Approaching Heluo Culture Exploring Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chinese

走近河洛文脉 探寻非遗中文

Enter DuFu’s Hometown,Get to Know Du Fu in Henan

杜甫故里 豫见杜甫

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Du Fu's hometown is where the poet Du Fu was born and lived as a teenager. Du Fu's hometown is thick because of Du Fu, and Du Fu is famous for his poetry. Du Fu's poetry, as a valuable spiritual treasure, deserves our praise. Do you like Du Fu poetry? Let's talk to Du Fu!


General Courses 通用课程