胭脂口红 - 鲁东大学 - 2022“汉语桥”中国语言主题欧洲两周学习团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

B. 2022 Chinese Bridge Two-week Online Spring Camp: Chinese Language Study Group for Europe Students


Blushers and Lipsticks


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Blushers and Lipsticks is a course designed to last 50 minutes and taught in Chinese over two class periods. Since ancient times, Chinese women have applied the blusher as a common makeup which epitomizes Chinese toiletry. While the lipstick is a cosmetic product essential to women today, its zenith dates far back beyond the early modern times. In China, the Tang dynasty witnessed the appearance of the first tube-held lipstick, with tones, tone types and application methods as a testament to the ancient Chinese’s pursuit of beauty and, more importantly, their delicate and refined makeup skills. For this course, the instructor spends the first class period introducing theories of blushers and lipsticks, e.g. history, making and process developments; the instructor also shows the learners the sense of refinement and Chinese history & culture embodied in the origin of the blusher in China. The second class period relates to hands-on experience. Pre-selected dyes are extracted, dried, ground into powder and mixed to impart various tones to the blushers and lipsticks.





General Courses 通用课程