色彩的变奏(蜡染) - 鲁东大学 - 2022“汉语桥”中国语言主题欧洲两周学习团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

B. 2022 Chinese Bridge Two-week Online Spring Camp: Chinese Language Study Group for Europe Students


Wax-resist Dyeing: A Set of Color Variations


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Wax-resist Dyeing: A Set of Color Variations is a course designed to last 50 minutes and taught in Chinese over two class periods. Wax-resist dyeing ranks among the age-old Chinese traditional folk textile dyeing processes. People invented it in some phases of human history to add to the beauty of clothing. Artistically, it depicts such occasions as life, work, wars and migration to create a simplified, distorted, hyperbolic and abstracted group of spiritual symbols that “personify nature” based on natural law and human thought. The symbols make up an idealized complete whole. The role of personification links up people spiritually so that human beings can share aesthetic experience. For this course, the instructor spends the first class period introducing theories of wax-resist dyeing, e.g. culture, patterns and representations, as well as analyses and explications of specific cases. The second class period relates to hands-on experience. The learners are asked to first delineate a pattern which is then dyed using paraffin wax complemented with beeswax to demonstrate a whole effect. The learners are taught how to dye a pure cotton schoolbag bearing four Chinese characters — 富贵有余 (lit.: “more than enough wealth and status”).




General Courses 通用课程