社火马勺脸谱 - 鲁东大学 - 2022“汉语桥”中国语言主题欧洲两周学习团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

B. 2022 Chinese Bridge Two-week Online Spring Camp: Chinese Language Study Group for Europe Students


Folkloric Mashao with Painted Face Pattern


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Folkloric Mashao with Painted Face Pattern is a course designed to last 50 minutes and taught in Chinese over two class periods. A traditional Shaanxi handiwork, the folkloric mashao (Chinese: 马勺; lit.: “horse hoof-like scoop”) with painting face pattern, or simply mashao, falls under the greater category of the Baoji folkloric mashao with painted face pattern, alternatively called Baoji mashao. Today, there are still folk performances existing in rural Shaanxi during the Spring Festival. The Fengxiang mashao with painted face pattern, abbreviated as Fengxiang mashao and stemming from the Xifu folkloric mashao, is a novel folk handicraft. Coming in different combinations of colors and levels of painting skill, mashaos are hung in sitting rooms and bedchambers in expression of people’s wish for good omens, exorcism, auspiciousness, and wealth; and these explain why the mashao is so highly acclaimed by and popular with people. Modern folk artists, as successors to the patrimony, have developed it into a precious traditional folk art asset. This course is designed to show the learners how to paint a mashao. The instructor spends the first class period introducing theories of the origination, styles and representation of the mashao art. The second class period relates to hands-on experience and the learners are instructed to paint the mashao in styles as they please.


马勺脸谱是陕西传统特色手工艺品,属于宝鸡社火脸谱的一种,在陕西民间,春节仍有耍社火的习俗。凤翔民间社火马勺脸谱简称马勺脸谱,是在继承西府民间社火脸谱的基础上发展的一种新兴的民间手工艺术品。彩绘简繁皆宜,人们将其悬挂厅堂居室用于扶正祛邪,镇妖降怪,表达祈福纳祥、招财进宝的美好愿望,因而马勺脸深得人们喜爱和崇尚。 经现代民间艺术工作者的继承和发展,马勺脸谱已成为传统民间艺术中的珍品。


General Courses 通用课程