视频1-探访广西人文名胜古迹(上、下) - 桂林理工大学 - “印象广西---少数民族特色文化”线上学习营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Impression of Guangxi -- Ethnic Minority Characteristic Culture”online Study Camp


Guangxi Cultural Sites (Part 1 and Part 2)


Course Syllabus 课程章节


In this magnificent land of Guangxi, there are countless and amazing places of interest and historic sites. Guilin Lijiang Scenic Spot, Xiangshan Park Scenic Spot, Detian Waterfall, Longji Terrace, etc. Due to the content and time of the course, this course selects Duxiu Peak Wangcheng Scenic Spot, Xiangshan Park Scenic Spot, Zengpiyan National Archaeological Heritage Park and Lingqu, the four most representative cultural landscapes to share. Through this introduction, let's enjoy different cultures and customs!


General Courses 通用课程