沂蒙展览中心 - 临沂大学 - “沂”览古今“韵”动琅琊 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learning History and Current Status, Doing Sports in Linyi


Yimeng Exhibition Center


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Pottery has a very long history, and Linyi's pottery producing pottery can be traced back to the period of the Dawenkou culture and the Longshan culture 4500 years ago. Linyi's ceramics take Luozhuang ceramics, which can be traced back to the Longshan culture period in which the polished black pottery was the typical product, as the main body of development. Up to now, 50 ceramics has been unearthed at three ruins of Hutai, Luozhuang of Linyi, Dafanzhuang of Hedong, and Zhubao Village of Lanshan, accounting for more than half of the egg-shell pottery relics during the same term in China. After decades of development, Linyi's industrial foundation that is based on the ceramic industry, together with a complete production system with reasonable industrial support and high concentration degree of industry, has gradually been formed. The development process of Linyi's ceramic culture is shown in the Yimeng Exhibition Center.

陶器具有非常悠久的历史,临沂的陶器制作工艺可以追溯到四千五百年前的大汶口文化和龙山文化时期,临沂陶瓷以罗庄陶瓷发展为主,罗庄陶瓷可追溯到以磨光黑陶器为显著特征的龙山文化( 距今约4350─3950年)。到目前为止,已在临沂罗庄护台,河东大范庄,兰山朱保村三处遗址共出土50余件,占全国同期蛋壳陶文物的半数以上。经过几十年的发展,临沂以陶瓷产业为主的工业基础逐渐成型,形成产业配套合理、产业集聚度较高的完整生产体系。沂蒙展览中心展现的是临沂陶瓷文化发展历程。

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