东夷文化 - 临沂大学 - “沂”览古今“韵”动琅琊 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learning History and Current Status, Doing Sports in Linyi


Dongyi culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Dongyi culture is one of the important sources of the civilization of the Chinese nation, and its major birthplaces are the central mountain area in Shandong and the basin of the Yishu River. Since the Houli culture that originates 8300 years ago, Dongyi culture has undergone the different stages of Beixin culture, Dawenkou culture, Longshan culture and Yueshi culture, which are all created by Dongyi people. Dongyi people entered the stage of class society and established a country during the period of the Longshan culture, which stands for the beginning of the civilized society.

东夷文化是中华文明重要源头之一,主要发源地在山东的鲁中山区和沂沭河流域。东夷文化从距今8300年前的后李文化起 ,历经北辛文化、大汶口文化、龙山文化、岳石文化,都是东夷人所创造出来的不同阶段的文化。早在龙山文化时期,东夷人就已经进入阶级社会,并出现了国家,标志着文明社会的开始。

Course Syllabus


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