小宽竹编 - 杭州师范大学 - 以逐潮起之江,探大美非遗 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Following Qiantang Tide Spectacle, Exploring Intangible Cultural Heritage


Xiaokuan Bamboo


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Bamboo weaving, as the name implies, is to use bamboo to weave some exquisite handicrafts. It has a history of thousands of years and is rich in the crystallization of the hard work of the people of Chinese. In Longwu, Hangzhou, China, there is a bamboo craftsman who has been disabled for decades. He said, "The spirit of bamboo is self-reliance, integrity, and upright. He is also the spirit of our Chinese nation at some level.

竹编,顾名思义,就是用竹子来编织出一些精美的手工艺品,有着数千年的历史,富含着中华民族劳动人民辛勤劳作的结晶。在中国杭州龙坞,就藏着一位竹编匠人,他手部残疾,却几十年如一日,他说:“竹子的精神就是自强不息、刚正不阿、亭亭玉立,他在某种层面上 也是我们中华民族的精神所在。”小宽老师像一棵坚忍的竹子一样,干出了自己的一番事业。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程