中轴元宇宙 - 北京语言大学 - “一条线一座城——魅力北京中轴线”线上交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“One Line, One City - The Charming Beijing Central Axis” Online Exchange Camp


Central Axis Metaverse


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This video course focuses on the "Central Axis Universe" project. NetEase's Qidong team perfectly replicates the six main parts of the Temple of Pre-eminence, Temple of Heaven, Zhengyang Gate Front Gate, Forbidden City, Jingshan and Bell and Drum Towers, and visualizes and interprets the functions and characteristics of each building in the long history. By integrating traditional architecture with technology, tradition and future collide, breaking the traditional perception of Beijing's central axis and injecting a different kind of life into the ancient and elegant architecture. The "Central Axis Universe" illustrates the unchanging national spirit and national cohesion of the ancient buildings along Beijing's central axis through the changes of the times.

视频课程主要介绍“中轴元宇宙”项目。网易的启东团队对先农坛、天坛、正阳门前楼、故宫、景山及钟鼓楼这六大部分进行完美复刻,并结合每座建筑在历史长河中承担的使用功能及其特点,进行视觉化释义。将传统古建筑与科技融合,让传统与未来相碰撞,打破大家对于北京中轴线的传统认知,为古朴典雅的建筑注入别样的生机。 “中轴元宇宙”阐述着北京中轴线上的古建筑在时代的变迁中,屹立不变的民族精神和亘古不衰的民族凝聚力。

General Courses 通用课程