中国文化5 - 蔚县剪纸 - 河北经贸大学 - 2022年“汉语桥”— 赞比亚“云赴文化之约,共话魅力中国”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge”—Online Training Program of “Keeping an Appointment for Culture Online, Learning Together on Fascination China” for Zambia

2022年“汉语桥”— 赞比亚“云赴文化之约,共话魅力中国”线上团组交流项目

Chinese Culture 5 - Yuxian Paper-cuttings

中国文化5 - 蔚县剪纸

Course Syllabus 课程章节


As the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage in 2006 and the only paper-cut art in my country that uses heavy colors, Yuxian paper-cut is known as "a beautiful symbol of the Chinese nation". This course will explore the origin of Yuxian paper-cut with participants, appreciate its different types, learn its production process, understand the long history and culture of China behind paper-cut, and feel the charm of Chinese culture through paper-cut art.


General Courses 通用课程