第三课 Fun 4 玩——休闲娱乐方式 - 长沙理工大学 - 湘约2023——领略湖湘文化,探寻魅力长沙 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Meet Hunan in 2023 - Experience the Culture of Huxiang and Explore the Charm of Changsha


Lesson 3 Play Hard - Forms of Recreation

第三课 Fun 4 玩——休闲娱乐方式

Course Syllabus 课程章节


"Fun 4 玩" in the title sounds very much like "fànɡsì wán" in Changsha dialect, which means play hard or play as one wishes. Do you know any leisure activities and recreation in Chinese people's daily lives? In this lesson, let's take a look at how Chinese elderly, middle-aged and young people relax in their spare time! You can compare them with those in your country and find out the similarities and differences after learning. Welcome to China to relax and have fun in Chinese style.

标题中的“Fun 4 玩”读起来很像长沙方言“放肆玩”,意思是“使劲玩、尽情玩”的意思。你知道中国人有哪些休闲娱乐方式吗?这节课我们一起来看一看,中国的老年人、中年人、青年人在闲暇之余都是怎样放松的吧!看完视频可以比较一下,这些休闲娱乐方式和你们国家的有哪些相同和不同?欢迎你来中国亲自体验哦! 

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