第一课 今日我下厨 - 长沙理工大学 - 湘约2023——领略湖湘文化,探寻魅力长沙 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Meet Hunan in 2023 - Experience the Culture of Huxiang and Explore the Charm of Changsha


Lesson 1 I Cook Today

第一课 今日我下厨

Course Syllabus 课程章节


As the saying goes, Food is the priority of people. Food is very important in Chinese culture. In this lesson, we learn to make two delicious Hunan dishes: stir-fried yellow beef and scrambled eggs with tomatoes. After watching the video, please make these two Hunan dishes for your family. We look forward to your gastronomic creations.


General Courses 通用课程