指尖流动的沙画艺术 - 哈尔滨学院 - 哈尔滨学院“汉语为桥 • 龙江之美”“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Harbin University’s “Chinese as Bridge • Beauty of Longjiang” “ Chinese Bridge” Online Exchange Program

哈尔滨学院“汉语为桥 • 龙江之美”“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目

Sand Painting Art with Fingertips


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Sand painting, understood literally, is a picture created using sand as raw material. In a deeper sense, sand painting is a form of art and expression. In recent years, sand painting art has rapidly developed and formed a unique artistic style. Sand painting art can be presented in performance and video form, more lively and expressive, which is the soul of sand painting art. Breaking through traditional art, creatively imaginative, and beautifully pictorial, combined with excellent background music, the seamless sand painting art can bring people into a dream-like sensation and unprecedented visual enjoyment. Therefore, sand painting art is also widely loved by the general public. The sand painting art course is based on the concept of fostering students' creative thinking. Utilizing the limitless forms of "sand", the course stimulates students' visual and tactile abilities, enhancing their spatial perception, imaginative thinking, creativity, and expression of inner emotions. Through the learning and practical training of the course, students can learn and master the techniques of sand painting, their creation thinking, and independently complete complete sand painting artworks.



General Courses 通用课程