高速铁路轨道施工技术 - 石家庄铁路职业技术学院 - 2022年 “汉语桥”线上团组交流项目中文交友 连通世界 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2022 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online Program Making friends in Chinese,Connecting with the world

2022年 “汉语桥”线上团组交流项目中文交友 连通世界

Track Construction Technology of High Speed Railway


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Railway track is the foundation of railway, but also one of the most important components of railway. So what are the differences in construction technology between high-speed railway track and traditional railway track? What kind of development has China's high-speed railway track construction technology experienced and what kind of unique technology? Through the study of this chapter, students will have a preliminary understanding of China's high-speed railway track construction technology


General Courses 通用课程