我眼中的你——中越服饰、饮食比较 - 重庆理工大学 - 跨越时空,文明互鉴——中越青年云端对话——2022重庆理工大学线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Mutual Appreciation of Civilizations Ascends Time and Space---Cloud Dialogue Among Youth from China and Vietnam”--- 2023 CQUT Online Winter Camp


You in My Eyes — — Comparison of Clothing and Diet between China and Vietnam


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course consists of 12 eight-minute short videos, which are composed of delicious love and traditional costumes of China and Vietnam. Through the comparison of the similarities and differences of diet and clothing between China and Vietnam, the course shows the unique cultural charm of China and Vietnam, expresses the cultural concept of each has its own beauty, and deepens the interest and understanding of Chinese and Vietnamese youth in each other's national culture.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程