如何快速记忆汉字 - 天津大学 - 有趣的汉字 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Interesting Chinese Characters


How to Memorize Chinese Characters Effectively


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese characters are the writing symbol system to record the Chinese language. To learn Chinese well, you must learn Chinese characters. However, many beginners have the impression that Chinese characters are difficult to write, recognize, and memorize, which has become a barrier to their Chinese learning. This course starts with the structural features of Chinese characters, and explains the concepts of single-element characters and compound-element characters with examples. We introduce four character-making methods, including pictographic method, indicative method, associative method and pictophonetic method, using typical Chinese characters as examples, and show how to memorize single-element characters and compound-element characters effectively according to the structural features of Chinese characters and character-making methods. Moreover, this lecture describes what learners should consider when learning and memorizing different Chinese characters. We hope that through this course, learners can gain an initial understanding of the characteristics of Chinese characters, change the mentality that Chinese characters are difficult to learn, and realize that Chinese characters are a justified and systematic kind of writing so that they can achieve the goal of recognizing and memorizing Chinese characters quickly and scientifically.


General Courses 通用课程