半坡遗址博物馆 - 西安外事学院 - 漫游陕西,品味古今 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Traveling in Shaanxi, Experiencing the Ancient and Modern Times


Banpo Museum of Prehistoric Sites


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This video will take you to visit the Xi'an Banpo Museum of Prehistoric Site. Xi'an Banpo Museum is the first museum of prehistoric settlement site since the founding of the PRC in 1949. The Banpo Site was discovered in the spring of 1953, which covers an area of about 50,000 square meters. It is one of the “top ten tourist attractions in Xi'an”.

这个视频将带大家参观西安半坡遗址博物馆,西安半坡博物馆是新中国第一座史前聚落遗址博物馆,西安半坡博物馆是新中国第一座史前聚落遗址博物馆,半坡遗址1953年春被发现,遗址面积约50000平方米, 是“西安旅游十大景点”之一。

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