西安市非物质文化遗产博物馆 - 西安外事学院 - 漫游陕西,品味古今 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Traveling in Shaanxi, Experiencing the Ancient and Modern Times


Xi’an Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Xi'an Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum aims to display Xi'an's rich intangible cultural heritage resources and conservation achievements in an all-round way, including traditional musical instruments, costumes for puppetry, fabric and paper-cutting crafts, statue shaping techniques, city god folk sacrifice and variety show, etc. It will comprehensively display and demonstrate the process flow and cultural content of representative projects of various intangible cultural heritages in a dynamic way combined with exhibitions and performances.


General Courses 通用课程