中国传统零食 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Traditional Chinese Snacks


Course Syllabus 课程章节


In China, an old saying goes that “Food is the first necessity of the people”, which shows that the Chinese nation attaches great importance to food culture. Throughout the times, various Chinese dishes have been constantly created and developed. In Tianjin, other than main meals, there are still many special traditional snacks such as famous Sugar Figurine Blowing、Niudagun、Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame、Ear Hole Fried Cake and Yangcun Gaogan. Influenced by the excellent food cultures of other regions in China, Tianjin snacks are inspired and gradually forms the unique eating custom combined with local habits.

在中国有“民以食为天”的说法,从这一点来看,中华民族是非常重视饮食文化的民族。在漫长的生活实践中,不断培养和创造丰富的食品资源,使我的中国食品来源十分丰富。在天津,除了一日三餐还有许多传统特色零食。比较著名的有吹糖人、牛打滚、麻团凉果、熟梨膏、糕干等等,天津零食深受中国其他优秀饮食文化的影响,博采众长,并结合自已的饮食习惯, 逐渐形成了自己独特的饮食民俗。

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