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Mulan Joining the Army


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Hua Mulan was a folk woman in ancient China. She practiced horseback riding since childhood and was proficient in horseback riding. One day, the court conscripted men to fight against the enemy because the border had been invaded. Her father was noticed to join the troop. However, her father was old and in poor health. Mulan disguised as a man and got herself into the army in her father’s place. She got numerous military awards during 12 years of hard fighting. After the victory, the emperor summoned Mulan and wanted to reward her. But Mulan refused the rewards and requested to return to her hometown to take care of her parents. Since then, Mulan stayed at home, weaving and farming, and took care of her parents. The story of Mulan is a tragic and heroic epic. Hua Mulan fully possesses heroic character and feminine characteristics such as kind, brave, calm and witty, as well as her infinite love and dedication to her parents and motherland. Because of this, the story of Hua Mulan has been passed down from generation to generation and become a portrayal of the traditional moral spirit and optimistic spirit of the Chinese people.



Course Syllabus


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