中国民歌 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Resource Pool 资源库课程

Chinese Folk Songs


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The 5000-year history of the Chinese nation has nourished its splendid national culture and its colorful national music combines the wisdom and emotion of the people from all ethnic groups, As the source of national music, Chinese folk songs are like a mirror, reflecting the social life and spiritual outlook throughout various historical periods of Chinese nation. They embody the heart of the people, representing an important aspect of Chinese tradition and culture. Just like dazzling blue wave shining in the long river of history. The Chinese folk song is one of the genres of Chinese national music, and they have been created and developed by the people through extensive singing and circulation.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程