皇城相府给我留下深刻印象 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Resource Pool 资源库课程

Royal Prime Minister’s Palace has left a deep impression on me


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This section consists of three parts: explanation of new words, dialogue and practice, and reading comprehension, all of which are carried out around the “Royal Prime Minister's Palace”, progressing step by step and connecting orderly. The first part explains the words involved in the introduction of “the Royal Prime Minister's Palace”, which is interspersed with such links as “appreciating the Song of the Dynasty ”and“understanding the role of plaque ”. The second part introduces the history and architecture of the “Royal Prime Minister's Palace” through dialogue, which is interspersed with the links of “watching the Eight Music Concert” and “watching the performance of welcoming the holy driving”. The third part expresses the students’ feelings about the“Royal Prime Minister's Palace” through the articles written by students, which are interspersed with grammar points such as “过、给……留下深刻印象”“又……又……”“不仅……而且……”.


General Courses 通用课程