飞越云端赏剪纸 - 台州学院 - 云游山海水城,探访和合圣地——汉语桥和合文化研学团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

A Visit to the “Hehe” Sacred Land in Taizhou, a City with Seas and Mountains -- Program of “Chinese Bridge” and “Hehe” Culture Exploration


Flying through the clouds to enjoy paper cutting


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Paper-cutting can not only be a pattern pasted on windows, walls and stakes, but also a kite flying in the sky; paper-cutting is not only flat, but also three-dimensional; paper-cutting can not only cut out a simple and smooth shape, but also a complicated "Qingming Shanghetu". Do you know all these unique features of paper-cutting? Let's fly through the clouds and see the exquisite paper cuttings up close.


General Courses 通用课程