中华经典武术套路 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Resource Pool 资源库课程

Skills and Tricks in Chinese Classic Martial Arts


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese martial arts enjoy a long history with rich boxing varieties. Through the explanation and show in this course, students will have a preliminary understanding of the relevant knowledge of imitative boxing in martial arts and directly feel the characteristics of mantis boxing. There are two major categories of imitative boxing: One is animal boxing combining the imitation of animals and martial arts, such as monkey boxing, snake boxing, eagle claw boxing, and mantis boxing. The other is drunkard's boxing which imitates the drunkard to complete all kinds of martial arts in the drunk state of staggers, such as the drunkard's boxing, drunken sword, and drunken stick.


General Courses 通用课程