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Taste of Sichuan


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Learn about Sichuan cuisine, one of “China’s Eight Great Cuisines” and a masterpiece of Chinese cuisine. Learn about the origin and development of Sichuan cuisine, as well as how to classify the flavors, types, and characteristics of Sichuan dishes. Additionally, learn to make two classic Sichuan dishes and authentic Chengdu street food. Materials required: Kung Pao Chicken: chicken thigh,crispy peanut kernels,sliced dried chili,pepper,sliced ginger,diced garlic,diced shallots,refined salt,soy sauce,vinegar,sugar,cooking wine, MSG, fresh soup, water starch, vegetable oil Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Soup: Lean beef, sliced celery, garlic sprouts, lettuce slices, Sichuan thick broad-bean sauce, Chili powder and peppercorn powder, refined salt,MSG, cooking wine, water starch, vegetable oil, soy sauce, garlic paste Double-cooked Pork slices: pork hind leg with skin,garlic sprouts,Sichuan thick broad-bean sauce,refined salt,MSG,sugar,sweet soybean paste,soy sauce,cooking wine,vegetable oil.






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