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Merchants in Wenzhou


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Although Wenzhou is a very ordinary city in China, Wenzhounese are a legendary group. They have gone from poor Wenzhou to different parts of the country and even the world. They were called "Jews of the East". With their hard work and business acumen, they have left a figure all over the world. Wenzhounese are involved in industries ranging from buttons, lighters and pens costing a few cents to real estate and high technology. Zhejiang is a province with relatively rich people, especially Wenzhou. Wenzhounese are not only representatives of common prosperity, but also the very important "first to get rich" in the policy of "making some people and some regions rich first, so as to drive and help the backward regions". In today's class, we will learn about Wenzhou and Wenzhounese, listen to the story of their entrepreneurship, and learn the spirit of Wenzhou together.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程