农民在建德 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Farmers in Jiande


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Today, you are going to visit Laocun Village, Datong Town, Jiande City, Hangzhou City with Li Chenyang, an Uzbek student. Why there are two “city”s in the address? How is the public environment in this village? Chenyang becomes an one-day strawberry farmer today. His strawberry master has been to Uzbekistan to grow strawberries. Why he is willing to work so far away from his hometown? The master says he is “the boss in the daytime, but sleeps on the floor at night”. Chenyang says his master works in “007” style. What do these sayings mean? You can also learn how to pick strawberries, whether there is a problem with deformed strawberries, what is the relationship between bees and strawberries, how to ensure that consumers buy safe strawberries and other interesting things through this video. The most interesting is that Chenyang as a foreigner, sells strawberries online in Chinese mandarin. He is excellent to use Chinese to explain the advantages of three kinds of strawberries and differences among them. Hopefully, after this lesson, you can use what you’ve learnt to sell strawberries or other things. Ladies and gentlemen, please start this lesson with your interests and questions~






Course Syllabus


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