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A bite of intangible cultural heritage-Tin-inlaid Stunt Show


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Weihai is an easternmost city of Jiaodong Peninsula. It is a resort with beautiful scenery, four distinct seasons and mountains and sea, and is also the most suitable city for human living in the world. In this very modern city, the ancient skill for Tin-inlaid has been passed down to today. The surface of boccaro teapots or porcelain ware is inlaid with the pattern of Weihai Tin-inlaid. Combined with the vivid and varied patterns together with the mixture and collision of different materials, it gives birth to its unique artistic glamour. In this class, we shall take you to the “Excellence Craftsman Class of Tin-inlaid” of intangible cultural heritage college affiliated to Weihai Vocational College. The masters of intangible cultural heritage here devote themselves to the cultivation of a group of creative and skilled inheritors in this respect, aiming at turning the Tin-inlaid skills from the hobbies to professional in-depth inheritance. It opened a new mode in which the people are cultivated by intangible cultural heritage. So, let’s take a look at how this traditional skill has been passing from generation to generation, standing the test of the time and rejuvenating longer vitality.


General Courses 通用课程