重庆美食——火锅 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Chongqing Delicacy-Hot Pot


Course Syllabus 课程章节


What is hot pot? In fact, as long as there is a fire at the bottom and a pot above the fire, it is a hot pot. Chongqing is known as the "Hot Pot Capital of China". Chongqing people's enthusiasm for eating hot pot has not diminished no matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter. From the use of raw materials and soup to the coordination of cooking techniques, seeking differences from the same, seeking peace from the different, so that meat and vegetable, raw and cooked, spicy and sweet, crisp and rotten, fragrant and mellow are beautifully combined. Chongqing hot pot presents a harmonious and dripping scene and psychological feeling, creating a cultural atmosphere of "unity, gathering together, sharing and having fun".


General Courses 通用课程