第10讲 诗歌与思想 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Lecture 10: Poetry and Thought

第10讲 诗歌与思想

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Lecture 10 Poetry and Thoughts Poems for this this lecture: A Four-Line Poem Composed in Summer (by Li Qingzhao, Song Dynasty) To My Son (by Lu You, Sony Dynasty) Written on the Wall at West Forest Temple (by Su Shi, Song Dynasty) The Book (by Zhu Xi, Song Dynasty) Song to the Lime (by Yu Qian, Ming Dynasty) Gluttonous Rice Puddings (by Hu Chunxiang, Vietnam)

第10讲 思想与诗歌


本讲诗歌: 《夏日绝句》(〔宋〕李清照)、《示儿》(〔宋〕陆游)、



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