第1讲 春节与元宵 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Lecture 1: Spring Festival and Lantern Festival

第1讲 春节与元宵

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Lecture 1 Spring Festival and Lantern Festival Poems for this this lecture: Lunar New Year’s Day (by Wang Anshi, Song Dynasty) Snow on New Year’s Eve (by Lu You, Song Dynasty) The Lantern Festival (by Ouyang Xiu, Song Dynasty) Green Jade Cup (by Xin Qiji, Song Dynasty)

第1讲 春节与元宵


本讲诗歌: 《元日》(〔宋〕王安石)、《除夜雪》(〔宋〕陆游)、


General Courses 通用课程