中国传统手工实践 - 陕西师范大学 - 爆竹声中学中文,字里行间看中国 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learn Chinese language through the sound of firecrackers. See China from the Chinese characters.


Chinese Traditional Handcrafts


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The paper-cut art is the Chinese Han nationality's most ancient one of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the sixth Century a.d.. Tracery or cut art, some with scissors, some use a knife, although the tools are different, but the creation of works of art is basic and same, collectively known as the paper-cut. The carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather and other sheet materials. Window decorations are an important part of paper cutting, and pasting window decorations is one of the important customs of the Spring Festival. This course mainly introduces the history, content and modern application of paper-cut, and also shows several methods of making traditional window patterns.


General Courses 通用课程